ED (erectile dysfunction), also known as impotence is the difficulty to have and maintain an erection during sex. Learn about 15 surprising ED facts and what you do to combat erectile dysfunction. Schedule a free virtual consultation today!

Here are some erectile dysfunction facts about ED that may surprise you…
Erectile Dysfunction Facts
1. You are not alone in experiencing erectile dysfunction.
Experiencing ED is more common than you think. About 30 million men in the United States have already experienced ED. A study done in 2018 revealed that one out of three men is affected by it. With this incidence, your friend or a close colleague may have also suffered from ED.
2. Not only older men experience erectile dysfunction.
It is true that having an older age indeed increases the risk of ED. Half of men older than 75 years old are affected, but ED can occur in men of any age. It is attributed more to various underlying problems such as medical conditions, trauma, medications, and psychological problems.
3. Having erectile dysfunction may indicate that something is wrong.
Having erections is influenced by having a healthy blood flow to the penis. Cardiovascular diseases, like hypertension (high blood pressure) and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and having diabetes (high blood sugar) for a long time can cause damage to your blood vessels and nerves, hindering you from having an erection.
4. Low testosterone levels may not be the cause.
A male’s appearance and sexual development are dependent on his testosterone levels. Having low levels of the hormone may affect your sexual desire, but not your ability to have an erection. An erection is mainly reliant on good blood flow and nerve supply to your penis. When you are aroused, the nerves direct your penile muscles to permit blood flow to the area, thus causing the erection.
5. Your mental health may be a culprit.
There is a strong link between having depression, anxiety, and/or stress to experiencing erectile dysfunction. These conditions can disrupt your brain when sending signals to your penis to have an erection. Looking after your mental health through sex therapy or counseling may help you get an erection more easily.
6. If you take prescription medications, they might give you erectile dysfunction.
Some drugs may cause erectile dysfunction. Diuretics, which are prescriptions to treat high blood pressure, decrease blood flow to the penis, thus giving you a harder time to have an erection. Anti-depressants, antihistamines, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are also medications that can cause ED.
7. Lacking sexual attraction can cause erectile dysfunction.
A low libido denotes a decreased sexual desire and interest. This may also indicate problems in your relationship, contributing to your reduced desire for sex. You may seek professional treatment from a psychologist, or couples therapy together with your partner.
8. You are not only affected by erectile dysfunction. Your partner is also affected.
Erectile dysfunction can give both you and your partner feelings of low self-esteem and failure, which may result in depression. Your partner may think of being unloved and neglected, paving the way for relationship problems. Open communication and couples therapy are worthwhile solutions.
9. Erectile dysfunction is not caused by wearing tight underwear.
Wearing tight underwear is not the cause of ED. Physical and psychological factors are the reasons for ED. However, tight underwear is highly linked to having a low sperm count due to the increase in temperature of the testicles, leading to infertility.
10. Your dental health may be linked to your erectile dysfunction.
Men who have periodontitis or chronic gum disease are three times more likely to have ED than men who have healthy gums. Both are associated with systemic diseases like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, and an increase in inflammation. It is best to visit your dentist twice a year for oral prophylaxis and perform good oral hygiene practices.
11. Alcohol and recreational drugs can make it hard to get hard.
Drinking alcohol can limit blood flow to your penis, hindering you from an erection. Chronic use of alcohol can increase the risk of long-term erectile dysfunction. Recreational drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, and amphetamines have also the same effect as alcohol use.
12. Erectile dysfunction is linked to smoking.
Smoking can disrupt the blood vessels in your penis needed to make you erect. It was also found that it can decrease your sex drive. Infertility can also be a major problem since smoking can damage the DNA of your sperm cells. Quitting smoking can improve your erections and other major health problems if present.
13. Losing weight can prevent erectile dysfunction.
Obese men are 2.5 times more likely to have ED than men with normal weight. Obesity increases your risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. Medications that can help you lose weight can cause ED. Watch what you eat and do physical activity to lose weight to have good erections.
14. Herbal supplements and online cures may not help your erections.
Most herbal medications are not approved by the FDA and there are no claims supported by scientific research to prove that these supplements work. It was found that one out of three supplements contains toxic ingredients. These cures may cause unwanted side effects that may intrude with your other medications and affect your other medical conditions.
15. Oral medications, like Viagra, can assist you in getting erect.
Sildenafil (Viagra) can stimulate erections if you suffer from ED. It heightens the effects of nitric oxide which relaxes the blood vessels of your penis and lets more blood flow into the area, thus giving you an erection. There are other medications like Viagra: vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn), avanafil (Stendra), and tadalafil (Cialis).
16. Doing Kegel exercises may prevent erectile dysfunction.
Kegel exercises or pelvic exercises aim to boost the strength of your pelvic floor muscles, specifically your bulbocavernosus muscle. To do this, first, locate the muscles by stopping in the middle of urinating. Then, squeeze those muscles, hold for 5 seconds, and relax. Repeat this procedure 10–20 times twice or thrice a day.
17. The treatment can be in your genetic material.
Gene therapy may be a long-term treatment option for ED in the near future. This works by using vectors to deliver therapeutic genes to the tissues of your penis. This is feasible especially if you have ED that does not respond to lifestyle changes and medications.
18. Your doctor will give you the best advice and treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Your health care provider is the best person to help you treat the symptoms of ED. Your doctor will check if you have underlying medical conditions and psychological issues by testing your blood and urine. Appropriate treatment options will be given, and medications may be prescribed.
No you know the erectile dysfunction facts… Ready to get started on your ED recovery?
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