Dr. Scott Sanderson MD
Anti-Aging Medicine, Emergency Medicine Specialist
“Aging may be inevitable,
Getting old is not.”
– Dr. Sanderson

Dr. Sanderson studied psychology and pre-med as an undergraduate. He attended medical school at the University of Washington then completed residency in Tacoma, Washington. Since completing his residency Dr. Sanderson has worked in multiple hospitals on the U.S. mainland and on multiple islands in Hawaii. He is certified in Anti-Aging Medicine as well as board certified in Emergency Medicine. He is clinical faculty at the John A. Burns School of Medicine in Honolulu as well as an instructor of Advanced Trauma Life Support.
Regardless of where he worked, he witnessed first-hand how preventable diseases resulted in debilitating conditions that caused great suffering and significantly reduced both the length and quality of life of the patients he treated. After years of seeing the consequences of these preventable diseases, Dr. Sanderson began to ask: “Why treat what I can help prevent?”
Then it got personal.

Although he took care of himself, eating well and exercising frequently, even completing marathons and triathlons, as he neared 40 he began to feel drained after a day at work. He’d often be too tired when he got home to do anything more than collapse onto the couch. It left him feeling irritable and unhappy.
Dr. Sanderson noticed that a few extra pounds had started to accumulate. Gains at the gym were almost nonexistent. So he tested himself. The results of his blood work came as a shock – Dr. Sanderson was exhibiting the classic risk factors for diabetes and heart disease.
This kicked off a self-propelled quest into the science of health and aging, spanning topics ranging from diet and DNA to telomeres and hormone replacement therapy. Being a doctor, what Sanderson was looking for were scientifically sound, evidenced-based practices.
He embarked on a comprehensive, proactive health program that included changing the way he ate and exercised. He decreased the inflammation in his body with high-quality supplements and balanced his hormones. Within two weeks Dr. Sanderson started to feel like a new man. He had more energy and felt better than he had in years. In a little less than six months Dr. Sanderson lost 12 pounds of fat and gained over 10 pounds of muscle.
Along the way Dr. Sanderson has furthered his research, he underwent extensive training in Anti-Aging Medicine. Convinced he’d developed a program that could make a real and lasting difference in people’s lives, he founded Elite Health Hawaii to help his patients become healthier, happier, and better by every measure and in every regard.

Dr. Sanderson wants to redefine “grandpa” & the world’s concept of aging.
Pictured: Dr. Sanderson with granddaughter
Lets us help you redefine what it means to age.